

check these two sites.
Innominds(where I work) is my company site.
and xerox(xerosoft) is the company who xerox the original site.


చైతన్య said...

won't there be any copyrights stuff for site design?

Anonymous said...

It all happens in the web kiron - u can claim if they have used your images - bytheby the top banner animation is cool - javascript or flash...?

Anonymous said...


Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Pretty kewl

Dalicia said...

really cool! but copying should be legal. go sue them!

Kishley (Dolly Sapra) said...

cant ur company goto court against plagiarism?? or maybe just ask the xerox company to look into the matter..

Anonymous said...

It looks like they changed their site. I don't see anything that represents your companies site.

Anonymous said...

their site looks way different.

kiraN said...

chaitu: thers some copyrights for images and logos but for design - nope.

sixface: yup, javascript.

harry: yeahhh..

arz000n: :)

elaine: taking the idea is gud but copying the whole design of the site is very bad and they dont changed even image and button names also..

kishley: no we cant, coz the design is not copyrighted.

markus: yup they changed..

dame: they changed their site design.